Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is CJH E-Commerce Inc DBA Lux Bath Vibes an American Company that provides American Products?
  • Yes. CJH E-Commerce Inc DBA Lux Bath Vibes only works with suppliers and Manufacturers that are based in the United States.
  • What are the hours of Operation for CJH E-Commerce Inc DBA Lux Bath Vibes?
  • 9am-5pm Central Standard Time U.S.
  • How long has CJH E-Commerce Inc DBA Lux Bath Vibes been in business for?
  • CJH E-Commerce Inc DBA Lux Bath Vibes has been in business in the online retail space since 2020.
  • Does CJH E-Commerce Inc DBA Lux Bath Vibes honor their policies that are shown on the website? CJH E-Commerce Inc DBA Lux Bath Vibes will honor any and all policies on the website.
  • Does CJH E-Commerce Inc DBA Lux Bath Vibes only have live chat support or can I speak to a real person? You can call CJH E-Commerce Inc DBA Lux Bath Vibes at 940-350-9060 during business hours to speak to a representative.